My name is Jennifer Cleal and I have over 10 years of experience in a multitude of services and industries. I thrive in problem solving and creating easier and more efficient ways of getting things done.

From account executive, to the stage. Life and business coaching, law firms, boutique tour guides, photography, language teaching… I’ve been either the creator or the support in these fields and have in depth knowledge of how these industries work and what they need.  As a result, I’m highly adaptable.  Swiftly adapting to new systems and learning new programs, apps, technology, AI development, and automations is a passion.

I run a team of like-minded, efficiency seeking, tach savvy Virtual Assistants ready to take your time consuming tasks off your hands. Having a team means more reliability and diversity of expertise.

Do what you love, let us do the rest.


Documents and presentations

Document creation in any format including:
PDF, video, powerpoint, prezi, screencast, word document, ...

Appointment Management

Handling appointments through emails or independant programs and apps.

Writing / Translating

Fluent in English and French.
Translation of documents, emails, transcription, proof reading, editing...

Email Management

Managing and responding to day to day emails including mailmerging.

Office Admin

Data entry, creating surveys, billing, online research, HR assistance...

Social Media

Posting and engagement on social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIN, Twitter...

"Je recherchais une assistante fiable, bienveillante, bien organisée après avoir eu plusieurs déconvenues... Jen a répondu a tous ces critères et bien plus !! Elle m'a conquise par sa grande réactivité, sa flexibilité (présente à mes côtés pour un lancement d'une formation), son efficacité, sa créativité (elle a délivré une présentation originale et impactante de mon contenu écrit lors d'une formation que je lançais), sa loyauté, et sa grande gentillesse de coeur. Elle comprend bien mon activité et ses enjeux, et j'adore le fait qu'elle soit nomade (j'ai été aussi nomade). Jen est très présente au delà du décalage horaire, dans la communication positive et au rdv. Merci encore Jen pour toute ton aide précieuse!! Tu es au top!"
Marion Guiset
Leadership Coach

Free up your time and give yourself peace of mind.

Why you need us

You Save time

I want you to use your precious time to focus on productive activities instead of tasks that you can delegate to me and my team! You have more time to spend on what you love to do most in your business and also give yourself more free time for that glass of wine, maybe?

You can focus on what matters

You get the peace of mind knowing that stuff is getting done and you don't have to worry about it! You can focus your precious brain power on what is important!

Get daily or project based support

Myself and my team are available when you need us. Some things need to be done or checked every weekday such as emails, customer support or social media engagement... Or maybe you need a newsletter written once a month or a document formatted for an upcoming product launch,...

Available anytime, anywhere

We work from anywhere in the world and have very flexible hours.
It could be from a boat near some Greek islands, a café in the French Alps, a workspace in Vietnam. It doesn't matter because wherever we are we will get the job done for you! Working remotely in a different time zone can mean work assigned when you end your day is finished when you wake up.

You save money

As freelancers we work with packages, retainers or project based rates, sometimes even hourly rates. No permanent full time contracts, employee costs, no need for office space.

Jen standing in front of a dark purple background with arms out to the side and raised. Surrounded by several stars that she seems to be controlling with magic.

Optimise your processes

All services are tailored to your business.

We discuss how you work and where your workflows and processes can be optimised to be more efficient, less time consuming and easier.

I will research what is best for your needs then it’s a simply matter of putting these new processes into place, and through the workflows created together I can implement them and free up even more of your time by doing some of the tasks you did for you!


Less work for you, more time for important stuff and you can rest assured that everything else is getting done!


Every business is unique.

Contact me below to find out how I can help you with yours.

packages and retainers are available from 60€ / h


Pixie Services

Currently in New Zealand
Working remotely around the world